The "Dancer with Shadows" project, designed by faculty members of Shahid Beheshti University, won the second place in the public spaces section of the 2A architecture award.
This project, designed by Dr. Hossein Pourmehdi Ghaemmaghami and Dr. Azadeh Khaki Ghasr, faculty members of the architecture department of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, won the second place in the public spaces section of the 2A architecture award. In the workshop-training forums on "Global+Local" partnership in architecture held by the Canadian University of Dubai during the 2A award, Dr. Khaki Ghasr gave a speech entitled "Rethinking Design-build Assignments".
"Dancer with Shadows" belongs to the idea of designing and building a movable wooden cover, which started with the design and construction of a fixed wooden roof in the first version, and was upgraded in the next step with the design and construction of an open and closed version. The aim of creating such covers is to provide shadows in hot seasons in open spaces for climates in need of shadows. One of the innovative steps of this project is the method of using multi-layer adhesive strip wood to create resistant and curved profiles by using the least volume of wood with no molds. Adopting this step made it possible to create a cover without wasting wood. This technology can be used in additional light covers to make the open spaces of historical buildings more social in order to create more comfortable conditions.