Staff and Faculty Members Statistics:
Academic staff in academic year 2020–1 is comprised of 44 active and 10 retired members, including eight full professors, 12 Associate Professors and 34 Assistant Professors. 34 support and admin staff are also working in the faculty.
Student Statistics:
Total number of students in 2020–21: 945
BA/BSc in architecture students: 210
MA/MSc students: 647 (including 163 in Architecture, 54 in Urban Planning, 42 in Regional Planning, 30 in Restoration of Buildings and Built Environment Fabrics, 32 in Iranian Architecture Studies, 70 in Landscape Architecture, 44 in Post-Disaster Reconstruction, 62 in Project Management and Construction, 50 in Architectural Technology, and 50 in Construction Sciences)
PHD students: 88 (61 in Architecture, and 27 in Urbanism)